gapfill The Importance Of A Good Diet Fill in the blanks with the correct verb. Reuse some words more than once. are / do / have / is In addition to regular exercise, a healthy, well-balanced diet essential for good health. Life, or rather the quality of life you , dependent on having good health. A well-balanced diet would contain the three main groups of food as well as essential vitamins and minerals. The first group of carbohydrates found in foods such as bread, potatoes and rice. They essentially energy-giving foods that power the muscles and other tissues in our body. The next class of food the proteins which form a substantial part of all living cells. They commonly found in milk, meat and fish, and necessary for the body to build new cells and repair old damaged ones. For this very reason, growing children require a greater intake of the different kinds of proteins than adults. Lastly, we fats that also energy-living foods but not give up as quickly as carbohydrates because their molecular structure designed to render them ideal as storage foods. Children much more active than adults. They use up more energy for their size and therefore require more energy-giving foods such as carbohydrates. To this end, fats unsuitable. Moreover, too much of a fatty food intake at an early age may lead to obesity in later life. In adults' fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessels in cholesterol may lead to all kinds of heart ailments. In addition to the foods above, the body also needs small quantities of protective substances called vitamins and minerals. They generally present in a sensible diet. For example, vitamins A and D found in some fatty foods. Vitamin D essential, along with the mineral calcium found in milk, for the formation of bones. Vitamin B found in the husks of wheat or rice ad vitamin C in fresh fruits such as oranges and lemons. Essential minerals such as potassium, zinc and iron present in traces n most foods too. Therefore it evident that a well-balanced diet would include all the necessary ingredients necessary for growth and good health. Score: Back to Gapped Text (Standard Gapfill) Main Page
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