cloze Cloze Text 06 Complete the text with the words from the box. Then press "Check" to mark your answers. we sums and expenditure anyone but of as bargain with money be up they that No one knows how mysteriously money dribbles away in netty expenditure. Once, break a ten-dollar note and see how quickly it disappears! cannot remember how we spent it, and we have little or nothing to show for it, but it is gone. We forget sixteen annas make a dollar, and fifteen dollars make a pound, and that small expenditure mounts up, and quite large sums of have slipped through our fingers before we realise it. We did not take care of the pence, petty expenditures, and they mounted to pounds, which have taken wings and flown away. This is bound to be the case if we don't watch our expenses carry our money around as loose cash in our pockets.People with small incomes are sure to get into financial difficulties if have no system for their expenditure. When the monthly pay comes in, a monthly budget should be drawn up, and certain fixed allotted to meet necessary expenses such as rent, food, fuel, clothes, travelling, etc. Then, before anything is assigned to luxuries, as much can be afforded should be set aside as saved and put into the post office savings bank. Then a certain amount should kept on hand for extras and unexpected expenses; in fact, it is generally found that these "extras" in the end run away a considerable sum. Only when all this has been done, and if there is anything left, can expenditure on luxuries be allowed. who adopts some such system, and faithfully sticks to it, will be able to live within their income, and save in the . He takes care when spending the pennies and finds he has saved pounds.But when there is no system and all the is casual, expenditure is sure to exceed income, and the result will be constant money worries, unpaid bills, and chronic debt. One Dickens's characters says that if your income is twenty shillings and you spend only nineteen shillings and six pence, that means happiness, if you spend twenty shillings and six pence, it means misery. Check OK Back to Cloze Tests Main Page