cloze Cloze Text 34 Complete the text with the words from the box. Then press "Check" to mark your answers. laid value art woods is future of its can in and lacks undermine the which The advantages of living in a large town are many and obvious.The town-dweller enjoys certain conveniences and comforts which the villager . He has good and well-lighted roads; cheap public conveyances, such as trams and trains; a house with modern conveniences, such as water on, electric light and good sanitary arrangements; fine shops close at hand to supply him with all necessaries and luxuries when he well, and well - equipped hospitals to care for him when he is ill.The dweller in the city can have all congenial company he wants and at small expense all kinds of social amusements, such as theatres, cinemas, concerts and clubs.Further, he get the best education at first-rate schools and colleges. Then, in order to feed and stimulate his mind, there are libraries, museums, galleries, public lectures and literary societies. The keen competition, too, of town life sharpens his wits and makes him mentally alert.Life a town also has important moral benefits. In a large community, a man tends to become liberal and broad-minded. He learns the of cooperation and discipline and is stimulated to social interest and endeavour by the common life.But life in a city has peculiar drawbacks. The rapid life, the late nights, the foul and smoky atmosphere, and the smells and dirt of the town often the health and shorten a man's life.Then a town is full of bad characters and insidious temptations to vice and folly, many a simple young man coming to the town from the country is morally ruined by bad habits and vices of the countryman knows little.Lastly, town life is more or less artificial, and the town-dweller loses his touch with nature. The simple life the country becomes insipid to him, and living a fevered life in ugly surroundings, his taste for the delicate beauty of fields and and the grandeur of mountains and the sea is dulled.Perhaps men will design more and more garden cities in the , where the advantages of town and county life will be combined. Check OK Back to Cloze Tests Main Page